With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

I wonder what?

Tanya, posing beatuifully for me. Maybe you can read the words in the picture in the background. I care not.

Blipfest extraordinary. I now no longer have to wonder what Scobes and Owen are like. Infact I really did know them already. I think you can tell the genuine article, from shots and words on Blip. Scobes is it. And Owen has all the energy and mannerisms that I expected. He really is the sweet, funny and intelligent young man I knew he was. Just like his dad.

We've had a blast. After footy today (3-3), when both came down to support Ben, we met again in the square and then should have made it to the beach, but my lot (and myself) were a bit tired and uppity to make it. Probably a good job we had a rest for a few hours, and a great job that K made of a lasagne for those that needed more sustenance this evening. Hope you had a great time S and O. You're welcome anytime.

So tomorrow is another blipmeet. This time not the unknown, but a similarly genuine and lovely pair arrive, flights almost crossing above England somewhere.

I wonder what we'll all get up to?...

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