Just checking

A lot of valves in unit EC 7 all of a sudden gave a failure signal.
Most likely in that case is a lack of 380Volt power. (we had that plenty times before).
So we had to check it out.
Roelof of the electrical department was on site so we did not have to do it ourselves, we just had to check out for him in which cabinet we had to look...
We were curious and looked over his shoulder.

This time it was not the 380 Volts; that was present. But it is a problem in the distributed control system (24 Volts electronics); a card in one of the automation cubicles has a problem.
That's for another department.
As long as we don't stop the unit it's no problem; tomorrow it will be fixed.

When a not so experienced person changes the card the unit might trip and that's a risc I don't want to take.

At the left is the water and steam analyses station, at the right is the skid where the natural gas enters the unit and is heated up to 80 deg C. (176 F).

Here in LARGE...

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