No Domestic Goddess...

By NotNigella


A busy family day, with a trip to the cinema around lunchtime to see 'Despicable Me' (which was excellent), followed by a marathon play-dough session where the kids both made 'cookies', baked them in the 'oven' (or a box of nappies as it's more commonly known...), and then sat down to a great tea-party. I added real biscuits to the mix, and the kids were very chuffed.

Husband's Cooking Attempt Report: (see yesterday's blip!)
Last night's dinner was amazing - chicken & leek stroganoff. Well done, hubby! Tonight's was also amazing - baked camembert pasta - mmmmmm, cheesy! With a portion left over for my lunch tomorrow?!! Superb. Husband is pleased with his efforts and says he'll cook again. Great stuff! :-)

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