Jake's Journal

By jakethreadgould


I arrived in Rouen on Saturday to visit Fiona for the the 12 day October break within french schools. Yay! 12 whole days!

Rouen is the epitome of all things picturesque. Original timber-frame houses on each side of you frame your vision as you walk down the little cobbled streets and out on to the the tree-lined banks of the Seine or to the many quaint little salon de thé that lay hidden and tucked away. If you get lost you just look out for the fantastically giant and intricately designed cathedrals form which the bells toll. They seem to dwarf the city that surrounds their feet as they peer up into the sky. It's all here. Lonely Planet must have had a fucking field day. Excuse my language, I'm learning French you see!

At the flat Chopin and Rachmaninov recitals can be heard clearly through the thin walls dividing Fiona and her Piano enthused neighbours. Which is a perfect accompaniment to the midday sun that seeps through the curtains (midday is our early morning; we are 20 after all).

At this time of year the air is thin, cold and Christmassy. And despite the strikes everyone seems quite happy. There is a fairground in town too! Not just any fairground either with a couple of waltzers and those impossible ring toss stalls. No this is different. At this time of year carnies around the world pray towards Rouen. This place is huge. Like a flat-pack Blackpool pleasure beach with easy foldaway roller-coasters that look about as safe bathside toaster.

We're gonna go back there later in the week and get our fill of 'barbe a papa' (candy floss) and lose many a temper wasting tens of euros trying to throw hoops onto poles.

S'later. x

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