Circle of the Seasons

By GCleare

Golden Walk

We took the baby carriage for a little walk to the post office today.

The sidewalk leads under this row of maples, some over 200 years old.

Camila looked up in awe and tried to reach out her hand. The yellow leaves were falling all around us. One of them dropped into her baby carriage and settled on her chest.

She stared at it, with a huge smile on her face. Her hands waved wildly around as she tried to master them and grab the leaf. But she's too young for that yet, and instead she just wiggled herself into the corner of the seat and slumped over on one side.

Then she started crying and I had to take her out, hold her on my shoulder and pat her back for a while...

So we came inside and listened to music, which she loves. That was a lot of excitement for one day, when you're only eight weeks old!

By the way, this looks great LARGE

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