Plus ça change...

By SooB

Too Cool for School

"Can we go swimming? Please please please please can we go swimming? It's really sunny and we'll wear our wetsuits and it'll be fine and I've felt the water and it's not too cold. Please please please please."


(Four point 2 minutes of undressing, wetsuit donning, and running to the pool later....)

"Oh no no no no it's too cold oh oh oh oh I have to get out oh oh I'm going to die oh no I can't feel my legs."

Child number two took a slower approach to entering the water, which took 10 minutes longer, but ultimately ended in the same message: the pool is now too cold for swimming.

In other news, Mr B's parents headed home to Scotland, all topped up with vitamin D and red wine. They seemed more sprightly (they are 79 and 80) than when they arrived - so I think the sunshine did them some good. Some difficult moments this morning when Mr B had run off to the shops, but all in all things were ok and I was able to be useful by renewing Mr B senior's driving licence on-line, which had been lost.

And I made some more fudge (made fudge badly the other day - it caught on the bottom and there were lots of bits of 'caramel' - burnt fudge - in it. I stirred lots of chocolate in to disguise it, but it just wasn't right.) No vanilla extract to be had in my part of France - I'll add that to the list of items to research if I'm going to keep stubbornly baking MY way.

Katherine was determinedly too cool for school today. That's what I get for going soft on them when their grandparents were here.

No more Mrs Nice Teacher.

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