Planko's Pics

By planko

Canal path (again)

Stopped off en route to work again today at the Canal to get some shots in the bag.
Had a nice peaceful stroll and blip for 10 minutes before heading into the hustle and bustle of work.

I'm trying to get some shots to print onto canvas and this one isn't that bad, but I'm sure i can do better, so be prepared for plenty more of this scene. :)

I liked the way the light was just breaking through the trees and the colours on the autumn leaves. Just as well i took some shots on the way in as i finished after 6.30 and it was dark and raining by the time i got out so no chance of outdoor blips.

Went into the Center in Livingston after work for M&S meal deal, only to find that the hoards had descended and left just scraps. I think it was the start of Xmas panic buying, as the madness descended in Livi today with both the Center and the streets having their Xmas lights up and switched on!!!

I point blank refuse to blip any Xmas lights whilst its still October, that's just plain wrong; lets get Halloween out of the way before thinking about December 25th!


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