Life Inspired

By inspiredesigns


I really do love adventures and think that I've become much more confident than I ever was.

This photo proved to be an interesting one this evening. I headed down to this favorite dock when I saw the sky swirling and opening up. We hadn't seen any sunlight all day and were actually greeted with an incredible sunset about 15 minutes later.

When I got parked, I noticed some local homeless folks that often roam the streets. They were sorting some food they had gotten and dividing it up. I politely said hello and moved on to the dock for some photos. I heard a lot of talking and then a big "F-bomb" popped out. I turned around, and one gentleman raised up his hand with a "sorry" and then kept on talking. Soon I heard him say, "I'm going to go ask that girl for a photo."

I started to worry a bit as it was getting dark, and I was all alone. He walked up and wanted to know if I would take his photo against the beautiful scenery, and proceeded to tell me that one day he'll be famous, and I will have his photo. I asked him his name, and he said "Big Red Joe Fullerton is my name" and shook my hand. He is tall, heavy and has bright red hair. I thought it quite fitting. After I snapped a couple of shots, he came back to me to see his photo. I was sad that it didn't turn out because of the darkness. Years of sitting in the sun has darkened his skin significantly, and even with a flash, he was just too pixelated to make out.

His conversation led to wanting to know a bit about me and where I am from. I told him I grew up here too and lived out in Sumner. He let me know that he "smokes a lot of pot out in Sumner...oh, I mean smoked...or well, I'm not going to lie...I smoke pot and drink sometimes." He said that when I got out of my truck he thought me to be about 19 and was thinking I should get a plan for my life and go to college. I told him that I had a family and had already gone to college. He was excited that I had a plan for my life.

He was really nice, and I'm so glad we had our conversation. I really enjoy people no matter their status in this world. It started to rain, and I mentioned it in worry, but he said "It's okay" and smiled.

So this one's for you, Big Red. I hope you find a safe and warm place to stay tonight, and good luck to you on growing out your hair for those dreadlocks you so fondly desire. :)

This one has to be tried in joke. ;)

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