Total Frustration

I'm feeling totally frustrated.
BT internet has been down since last night and isn't expected to be up and running for another day. This is monstrous and is the second time in 6 weeks that BT have failed to deliver the goods.
What makes it even harder to bear is that their bill was lying behind the door when we returned home tonight.
I even tried posting a blip from my I-phone and that wouldn't go either. This means that I'm sitting in my favourite watering hole supping a hot chocolate while I try and connect to the ether.

Before this episode, the day had been winging along nicely.
We tidied up the holiday house and drove south through showers and blindingly dazzling roads to Forfar via Blairgowrie and Kirriemuir.
We were amazed at the flooding on low lying fields near Kingussie. In fact every little burn had transmogrified into a raging stream and there were waterfalls tumbling down every available rock on the road over Drumochter.

The showers petered out the further south we went until the sun shone and shimmered off the cultivated fields in the Carse of Gowrie.

We arrived in Forfar in time for lunch with his Lordship's cousin and wife.
They have an amazingly eclectic house which never fails to astound me with all the latest gadgetry.
This blip is of a pair of lights which caught my eye.

I'm sorry that I haven't managed to comment on anyone's blip. You can blame BT!

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