Life Well Lived

By RodenSarah

Coco Chanel

Zoe in her Coco Chanel Halloween costume!!! She is still keeping fashion designer open as one of her career options. Last year, in 4th grade, when she had to do a research on a famous person, Zoe chose Coco Chanel. When it came time to choose her Halloween costume this year, she surprised me by saying she wanted to be Coco Chanel! I thought it was a fabulous idea.

This is what we came up with. She wore a little black dress that Coco Chanel invented rather than a Chanel skirt suit (much hipper), pearls, her hair in a bun and shades. We realized she would also be confused with Audrey Hepburn in this outfit, so we watched Breakfast At Tiffany's so Zoe would know who she is. After watching it, Zoe agreed she was totally fine with that comparison as well. (We didn't really watch the whole thing, mainly the beginning, Tiffany's, the fashion and the end.)

We were thrilled to find the necklace with the scissors on it because Coco always wore a strand of pearls with a pair of scissors on it so that she could make runway adjustments as needed, yet still be fashionable. It would just be tacky to wear scissors on a chain. Pearls are obviously the more classy way to go. I think this is Zoe's classiest outfit to date!

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