Past its prime...

...but still beautiful.

As we free fall from October's brilliant, eye-catching colors into the mostly monochromatic shades of November, the search for a blip becomes much more problematic. On my daily photo walk in the park, potential deer blips are plentiful because our deer population is enormous...much too large for the good of the deer themselves, their habitat, and the other critters who share the park. Deer are beautiful and very photogenic; however, I can't post a deer blip every day. That would get stale in no time at all, so I am challenged to find beauty and interest in objects that might not draw my attention in other seasons. That's why I chose to blip a weed today.

I feel the beginning of a series coming on and a new challenge for me. I will call the challenge, "Things I wouldn't normally notice." Maybe I'll even venture into sepia and black and white. There's not much color in the park during the winter months anyway. So there you have goal for November through February. Not something I will do every day, but maybe two or three times a week. I will post them (and the runners up) in my Flickr gallery, and today's weed and the bird's nest I didn't post here will be the first entries.

Wish me luck. ~Skip

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