Pip's Pics

By pipspics

Ton up!

So, this is my 100th blip! Wasn't sure what to do but just as I was about to despair, this plane kindly drew a big 100 in the sky. What are the chances!?

I never expected when I posted my first, quite how hooked I'd be about 3 days later! Mostly this is thanks to an incredible community of amazing people who've swept me along. Such great comments, critisisms (constructive of course!), advice, help and fun along the way - it's been a blast.

But the most significant thing for me (apart from a shiny new camera) has been how it's made see the world around me with new eyes. Everything I look at now is sized up for a blip, mostly discarded, but nevertheless actually LOOKED at rather than just seen. It's a real life changer.

So thanks to all, and here's to the next 100.

Ooo - does my camera change colour now too?

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