a town called E.

By Eej

Frost and the Flower

We had the first hard frost overnight, which turned everything that I could before euphemistically describe as 'wilting' to something I can't call anything but plain 'dead.'
Goodbye tomatoes and zucchinis, you have done well!
Goodbye peppers, you sucked and we won't bother again!

But amidst all the decay one little red wildflower decided today would be a good day to start flowering.
I appreciate that; defying the odds, not listening to other plants that go: "Are you MAD?", just doing what you think you are supposed to do.

So here's to you, little red flower! May you survive many a frost! And the possible snow they are predicting for later this week!

Tomorrow is voting day. Not for me, because as a non-citizen I'm not allowed to. But if I was allowed to vote, I'd vote for reason, not for fear ... and I'd also vote for the person whose campaign has been based on his/hers competence and not the incompetence of others, who has not harassed me with phone calls and commercials and who is NOT endorsed by shady, non-existing-rich-bastard-secretly-millions-of-dollars-pumping-into-campaigns-to-benefit-themselves organizations.

Sadly, I don't know if that would leave me with anyone to vote for though.

Sometimes it's best just to laugh really, REALLY loud :)

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