Pink's photos

By PinkTransit

Winter Woollies

Themes recently are proving a little difficult........ the other day was 'umbrellas'.

On the driest day for weeks, where there may have been a short shower somewhere in the highlands, but the rest of the UK was dry.

Today - Winter Woollies. On the warmest November day for several decades..

So, in desperation I thought that if I piled up enough winter woollies, one of the cats was sure to curl up and snooze on the pile, giving me the opportunity of a slightly tenuous, but cute blip.

Has either cat even looked at this warm, comfy and cosy pile of clothes? This clean, warm pile of clothes just begging for a layer of cat fur to be shed on it?

Nope. Bloody minded animals - they could co-operate just occasionally...

So - pile of jumpers with a cat toy on top.

And no doubt, as soon as I post this, there will be two cats wandering nonchalantly into the living room to curl up on a cardi.

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