
By flying

New Zealand Flax - At The Beach

Maori name is harakeke

The skies were blue and the air was fresh as we headed out of town, north we went. The sea was calling and I was in the mood for an adventure. Hubby came prepared with sunnies, coats, sandshoes and of course music. We drove not for too long but long enough.
We wound through the countryside, up hills and down, over tiny bridges and passed little schools. I was sitting on the edge of my seat with my eyes peeled to the horizon waiting for that very first glimpse of the sea. And then there it was looking so blue and clear - ah what a sight!
We drove down to the little fishing village and started our explore. The tide was coming in, quietly lapping the shore while the air had that distinct sea smell drifting by and yes it was windy - easterly again.

I took so many photos as we walked and talked, it was very differcult to choose. But the photo of the day had to by our very own harakeke in flower at the beach. The bright red flowers were a delight against the background of the blue sea. There are not many harakeke flowers out yet so this was a bonus.

The fishing village was asleep on this fine Tuesday. No fishing was being done and the little baches seemed to be snoozing as they wait for the summer to arrive. We will go back and maybe stay a night or two, if not then a day trip it will be - picnic as well.

I feel tired and wind blown but it was well worth our day at Motunau Beach, just Hubby and I and a couple of gulls :)

PS Does anyone know how I could straighten this in photoshop elements?

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