No Domestic Goddess...

By NotNigella

Under the weather...

Poor wee D, he's been less than his usual bubbly self today, spending half of it either lying subdued on the sofa or curled up on my lap. Seems his dear sister has passed on whatever she had on Friday and over the weekend... awww....

A quiet last day off (apart from Santa doing some Zhu Zhu pets hunting in TK Maxx - much cheapness!). I have a terrible case of the Sunday Blues, and it's not even Sunday. At least it'll be a short week back at work....

Blipped (and back-blipped) very late last night so for those who missed out, check out my very dodgy cheerleader shot from the 49ers Fan Rally in Trafalgar Square on Saturday, followed by the 49ers v Broncos game itself on Sunday. A great weekend away from it all... :-)

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