The Edge

The Edge. No, not that Edge (tsk, what sort of a name is that for a grown man.

I am fairly sure there are going to be at least two other blippers to whom the Edge will mean something. Whenever I hear this* I recall nights spent in this place. Aye, it wisnae yesterday.... There was even mention of it once in Jo Brand's Fringe routine. And I spent at least two Christmas Eves in here - undoubtedly prancing about to the KLF and their contemporaries. (I think people pranced in those days).

That'd be getting on for 20 years ago. Jings.

I have a busy day tomorrow. It's shaping up to be a day of 3 halves, so I better not forget to blip.

* I am sure I link to this choon every few hundred blips. But it is great, isn't it?

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