Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

It's a bit dark over Bill's Mothers...

... This was a family phrase.
We didn't know a Bill.
Or his Mother.
I don't know whether this is a phrase everyone relates to, or whether my family are just that teeny bit odd special.

''She's got all her chairs at home'', was another (describing, of course, a person who was all there with her cough drops).

Anyway. A brief walk today, after a (smart) lunch with some ex-colleagues.
I took some photos of (you can't say 'captured', in this instance, it wouldn't be right) some grazing fallow deer (aaw!) a strolling cock pheasant (patrolling his patch) and I had the exact wrong lens for the exact right shot of a long-tailed tit.

Caught sight of (smart) self in the mirror on arrival home.
It would seem that mascara and contact lenses and a camera lens do not sit well together. In any way.

But the 'when shadows lengthen' shot of an English haystack won the day.

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