Not so Dumb Belles...

I think I blipped a baby exercise regime sometime ago. I think it was actually before Ewan was born and was a precarious combination of lifting Bethany whilst balancing the camera on my chest on a timer.

In the last week or so I've revisited and refined the routine.

I'm giving myself a 30 rep session a night of lying on my back, lifting one of them straight up bench press style whilst the other sits on my feet and I lift them with my legs.

It's really knackering at the end of it, so I guess it's working.


Notes on the Picture...
We went for our weekly library visit and decided to try another wee flash experiment on the way home. Got the tripod set up, found that the onboard flash does a wonderful job of setting up a splash for the AutoFocus, got the kids in position and gently swaying and...

...forgot the batteries for the flash.


Oh well, next time.

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