Shore by night

As it is November the 5th, I did think that I might get a blip of some fireworks to celebrate my demi-millenniblip. The weather has not co-operated, but I had taken a few shots earlier today with that contingency in mind....

I think the Water of Leith is quite appropriate for my 500th, as it has been the venue for about half my blips!

Thanks, as ever, to Joe and G and all the blipcentral crew for this great site and especial thanks to those loyal viewers and commenters; I really don't comment enough, even on the most stunning of blips.

Since my 365th, I've been in steady work, and looking at things in close detail, so my eye hasn't really been in for photography...
Still, the work has been fascinating.

A trip to Belgium to see meles play was a real treat.

I got a set of ND filters and a new camera and did get the occasional decent wildlife shot and rant.

Think I'll keep trying to blip a photograph a day, even if some aren't much good
Thanks for your indulgence!
Dave x

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