Yes, can I help you?

All too often my boys look at me like this. A faint air of disapproval. Like they are trying to tell me something. Waiting. I don't know.

It's usually when I've been singing at the top of my voice or waltzing around the kitchen to a tune that's just in my head.

I can't even remember what caused their gaze to be upon me this morning.

Up at sparrow's fart to take photos of children riding teeny ponies in the rain. I have heaps of them to sort through but this shot of my boys won out.

MacBook Pro or not MacBook Pro. That is today's question.

Earlier, in the supermarket, I realised that I was singing to myself (quietly - I'm not completely mad!). I realised that at that moment, I was happy. Content. I liked that.

Now I'm back home. About to wrap Engagement presents for my flatmate's Engagement party tomorrow. Drinking a rather nice glass of Villa Maria Pinot Gris and watching Crazy Heart.

Liking my life right now.


Oh, and P.S. Fireworks going on outside like crazy. Neither of my hardcore boys are even opening one eye. They're pretty staunch. I'm pretty lucky.

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