
Today felt like 4 days.
I went to rent call backs and it came down to me and two other girls for Joanne. But, I am quite pale to be playing Joanne so I was cast as Mimi's mom because I am clearly puerto rican. I'm going to do it though because it will literally sound amazing. I have never been at an audition with so much talent and I just had so much fun performing at the callbacks (it's been a while).
Then I had missed my train to the city so I had to walk to the nearest train station in barely any shoes. I was numb.
Then luckily I made it on time and was able to grab a hot dog and run down the street to class like a native new yorker.
Then I walked around the city taking pics with film where I came across this.
I went back later and took it with my digital.
The train was so crowded I was happy to get a seat.
Then I went to Emily's house and watched 500 days of summer.
I made a tumblr.

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