The Chaos Bros

By vik


... on a near disaster.

Our usual weekend trip to Tentsmuir with the dogs & Bros started off well, we had a lovely walk in the sunshine up to the Ice House, stopped for a snack and drink and wandered back through the woodland on the edge of the beach. Perfect day thus far. The Bros kept changing their mind about which trail they wanted to follow so we ended up going further than usual by doubling back on ourselves more than once to keep them all happy. Seashell trail or Pinecone trail, does it matter that much, apparently so.
As we neared the end of our walk Jerry vanished. Not just for a minute or two, oh no, he was gone for between 15 and 20 minutes but it felt like HOURS! He's the sensible, mature dog who has never in his 11 years left our sides. Panic? Me? Oh yes. We all shouted on him, retraced our steps, whistled, yelled, screamed, just about managed not to cry, shouted a bit more, asked every dog walking person we came across if they had seen him. Bro1 was sent off the paths to go between the trail we had been on and the one we usually go on. I kept the other Bros and Lara with me and continued yelling on him. As panic set in, Bro2 just about in tears and me not far off hysteria, Bro1 starting shouting from the other trail that he had found him!!


So Bro1 is the hero of the hour and he even spotted the shot for Blip today. He pointed out the reflections in the little burn we walked along before Jerry did his disappearing act and said that had to be blipped! So it has been.

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