Paul's Imagination.

By paulransom


Back at BCOT, Lilli asked us all a question for a project of hers. It was 'If your house was on fire and you could only take 3 items with you, what would they be?'

The first would obviously be my Macbook, simply because it has all my photos on, which are not stored anywhere else (I have a terabyte external hard-drive sitting on my desk waiting to be used as a back-up...). But after this I was completely stuck for ideas, anything I thought of could be easily replaced - I had no sentimental objects that were irreplaceable, which I thought was actually quite a shame.

Ever since then, it's been a question I've thought about a surprising amount...


Okay, blipping at uni is a lot harder than I had expected. I should have known really, but for some reason I neglected the fact I'd be busy quite a lot.

Starting tomorrow I am going to make an effort again, although I don't like carrying a camera around with me, which is making it pretty hard!


Tomorrow is the start of a 4-week project. So far all my projects have only been week-long projects (completed with a lot less enthusiasm and effort than I would have liked) so I am looking forward to something I can properly get my teeth into. I am going to work damn hard, stay in the studios later than I have been doing so far and be... awesome.


This weekend has consisted of 4 days. Thursday I gave my room a much needed clean, and can successfully walk into my room without having to avoid stuff all over the floor. In the evening we went out for Kirsty's birthday, got beautifully drunk, and eventually went to bed at 8am. Friday was spent feeling far less rough than expected considering lack of sleep. A good clean of my bathroom in the day, followed by Million Pound Drop and films in the evening. Saturday consisted of a few Skins episodes, some Mario Kart playing, Dark Knight, X-Factor and Million Pound Drop (again). Sunday began with a horrendous asda shop which killed my arms on the walk home, followed by more skins, more X-Factor and hopefully an early night... An update for the parents there :)

Something good: I have orange juice and milk again, yay!
Something new: I own the Post War Years album now, I know what I'm falling asleep to tonight!

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