
By CleanSteve

The bearded wonders

We had a deluge last night with very strong, gusty winds. This morning was bad too. When I walked out of town at lunchtime, after our Council meeting, I passed the very elegant Nelson House, which might have been an old 'clothier's' home in the eighteenth century.

What caught my eye was that the Virginia Creeper's leaf cover, which was intact yesterday, had now completely gone, violated by that wind and rain. All that was left was their stalks, which were all pale, as if they had never been exposed to the light before. It seemed so strange, rather like the house had grown a new beard to cover the front wall. Several passers-by stopped to chat to me about it. I think the birds which must have lived in here must be in shock.

As I tried to see an interesting shot, I noticed John M. walking up the pavement towards me. I quickly nabbed him, and he agreed it might be a good shot to shove his beard up next to the other one, namely the Creeper. It was very easy as he is so used to having photographers bully him into position, to get photos for publicity. He was the Mayor of Stroud for 12 years, until recently stepping down to become Deputy-Mayor.

As you can see, he is a good egg, besides being a pacifist and the Stroud District Green Party Coordinator! One great idea he started as Mayor, was to put a bench on a main shopping street, where he would sit and try to answer anyone's questions or help with problems.

I forgot to say that it also allowed me a Blip with a subject and a portrait. I also followed my recent rule with a portrait of getting it in one shot.

If the cat, sleeping in the Remembrance Day shop window display last week, woke up, he would see this across the road.

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