Leaf in the gutter

Wasn't the best start to the day or indeed the week - got to nursery this morning, only to find there had been a mix up with some of the shifts, and the person with the keys who was supposed to be opening up hadn't turned up on time. This meant standing in the back garden for around 20 minutes in the cold and rain until someone with a set of keys could let us in. I'm sure the wee man was fine - he was wrapped up in his big warm jacket, in his backpack and tucked under the ledge, hidden from the elements. I, on the other hand, was the one exposed to the wind and the constant dripping from aforementioned ledge.

After we finally got in and I dropped the wee man off, I spied the bus coming down the road and made a dash for the bus stop. The bus doors opened, and the driver promptly informed us that only one person could board, as there wasn't any space. Cue more waiting around in the cold and rain.

After all that, I decided that a large Starbucks latte was in order. The day was fine from there on in, so it must have done the business.

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