A man who's worth your tears ...

... will never make you cry.

65 years ago today, my dad was born. He's pretty much the best man I know.

I was his early birthday present, 37 years ago. I like that our Birthdays are so close together.

I wrote this in his Birthday card:

Because it is your Birthday
I've bought this card for you
To thank you for your love and stuff
And all you say and do.

To you, who's never made me cry
Though many tears you've dried
I haven't yet found one like you
Though goodness knows, I've tried.

You are my rock and anchor
My calm port in a storm
You settle choppy waters
And keep me safe and warm.

You really are the best Dad
A girl could hope to know
And tho' this poem's lousy
It shows I love you so.

So don't you go a-changing
Cos I'm your biggest fan
You are my lovely Daddy
And my bestest ever man.

Happy Birthday Dad!


In other news. After my big whingy, grumpy rant the other day about students not appreciating their teachers and what they do for them, I was blown away by my Year 11 class (15 year olds).

I was summoned away to the Principal's office. I was to come 'immediately'. No further information. Of course, all the way there, I was thinking, 'what have I done (or not done)?'

It turned out that my Year 11 student had gone to the Principal to ask her to distract me so that they could set up my classroom for a belated Birthday party for me, as this was the first time we'd seen each other since my Birthday.

We had cake (with candles - that's cake No. 5!), balloons, food galore, singing, a lovely handmade card (signed by the whole class) and presents! A bottle of lovely ginger wine and a beautiful white gold necklace.

I'm still blown away by their kindness and thoughtfulness.

And the great news is that they're all really enjoying learning French and the majority hope to continue next year so I get to enjoy them for a while longer!


Right, thirteen hours at work today. Time for bed. Night.

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