Beth Wester Ross

By bethceol

On the way to work No.8

How did my day start? Well, I had to empty the basins in the upstairs bedroom of all the water they had collected during the night from the still-not-repaired-leaking-roof. I then had to empty the humane trap of its mouse content into the garden. Just the usual, really.

It has generally been bad weather here - lots of rain and dark, dark, days.
I had to stop the car, and take this photo of the one bit of light I have seen for ages.

I had a nice surprise when I got into work, however. Colin, our new janny, has put up my "Fat Sam's" sign from the show "Bugsy Malone" which I did with the kids 3 years ago. It looks fantastic with its new rope light. I had been waiting all this time to get this put up in my classroom, and it has finally appeared, thanks to our fantastic new janny. This will be added to the list of 'emergency blips' for another day - and so will Colin, of course.

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