The Rambling Path

By MuddyFox


After the success of yesterdays blip (thank you one and all for the comments), I wanted to capture the starlings again. Very different feel to this photo, wasn't sure whether to choose the more zoomed in version or this further out view. Here's the other :D

Been another busy day, though even less productive!!

Rush this morning as all my house mates also have 9am lectures. Only just managed a very quick shower (in which my conditioner ran out) with rapid variations of temperature before I had to almost run up the hill to my sedimentary practical. After stirring, heating, mixing, boiling and adding various chemicals to our sediment (which could be mistaken for dust by anyone but a keen geographer) we gave it a few hours in which to settle.

Walked home to discover in the rush this morning I'd forgotten my keys. :( bad times. So tried to get in through the tiny porch window... not a good idea, I got stuck halfway!! Turns out my bum's too big ;)

So back up to uni to work on the stats... boring boring stuck stuck... and back home when I got a text saying someone was in. Went into the house, and got a call saying we needed to tend to our sediment *sigh*. Back up the hill, looked and stirred sediment, then started to work out some more (but different) stats. Were starting to get somewhere and the fire alarm went off... great. SO evacuate the building and all that jazz.

Walked over half way back home to realise that we were meant to have written up our results on a board, back up at the uni :( So back up the hill and wrote on results, then back down...

Just so unproductive :S Now really tired so heading off to bed.

Night folks

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