secret garden

By freespiral

sea glass hanging

A really wild night (weatherwise!!) but today the wind has eased a bit and it's just grey with joined-up showers - an Irish phenomenon. The weather forecast is often rain followed by showers, some of them joined up and prolonged - obviously a very subtle difference here. The sort of day you don't feel too resentful at having to do a spot of cleaning.

I dashed out to do a spot of blipping and found shelter in Nirvana - the wendy house thingy. Annabel made me a sea glass hanging to dangle from the eaves and this is the view through it. On a sunny summer evening this is a very pleasant spot to partake of a gin and tonic and watch the sun go down. Today it's a little less damp than everywhere else. Annabel is an artist mostly working with driftwood or beach claimed materials, of which there is a plentiful supply here. Tonight she and Klaus are coming over for curry - Himself is busy making already - the smells are promising.
Have a good weekend everyone.

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