secret garden

By freespiral

Last boat in the bay

Delicious meal last night - chickpea curry, dhal, raita, basmati rice and homemade naan :) a nice relaxed meal with two good friends.

Zoomed into Bantry to collect a jacket from the dry cleaners - the rain was approaching faster than I was. This is a view into Bantry Bay - the torrential rain is just building up nicely to the right - yes, I got very wet. This part of the bay is usually choc a bloc with little boats and yachts but this is the last one in the water! The bay, apart from being spectacularly beautiful, is one of the longest and deepest in the world.

Off to the cinema tonight - The Kids are Alright - Annette Benning and Julianne Moore as a lesbian couple bringing up teenage sons - meant to be better than the title or description sounds! We should be going to a party but I think we're chickening out!!

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