The second half of life..

By twigs

Granny's bonnet

Had another good night's sleep and again got up early-ish. Spent the morning watching some sports games I'd recorded overnight - go the All Blacks :) !! [Apologies to all of the many Scots out there!!]

Got stuck in to a bit more garden tidying - trimming edges, sweeping deck and general tidying and trimming.

A few weeks ago I was looking at my garden thinking there seemed to be so much to do, where on earth do I start and how on earth was I going to do it?! Now, with the one-step-at-a-time approach, I'm beginning to feel like I've made some very good inroads into it all. I still have some major things to do - re-oiling garden furniture, planting hanging baskets, planting some new plants, removing a dead bush, spraying the lawn (What lawn?!? Don't lawns have grass? Mine has weeds with the odd blade of grass here and there! Hardly what anyone should call a lawn!) and spraying and weeding one garden that hardly ever gets visited hence weeds go rampant.

Another few weekends like this one and I'll have it all under control - I hope!

By the way - the temperature today rocketed. At one stage it was 27 degrees and doing anything that required effort brought an instant sweat on. Pleased to say that the temperature has returned to a much more acceptable 20-odd degrees now the sun's gone down.

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