an image of teamdel

By teamdel

Another 6x4

We started the day with a drive to Baffins Pond so that toddler could go for a walk in the rain and jump in muddy puddles, just like Peppa Pig does. Toddler constantly reminds us "if you jump in muddy puddles, you must wear your boots", and she did just that.

I stayed in the car with baby, when Mummy and Toddler came back they were soaking wet. Toddler sat in the back and when we took her boots off about a pint of water came pouring out all over the car. She certainly had found some deep puddles.

We then went to my parents for lunch where toddler dried out and we all fed well. We had a great time and Toddler really enjoyed collecting the eggs with Grandad as usual.

Today was also the last day of the 6x4 exhibition in Portsmouth (as blipped over the last couple of days). I just had to pop back for the last few minutes to see how my pieces had done, though was not expecting much. I also felt £20 burning a whole in my pocket that I was thinking about spending on another piece for myself.

Well I couldn't believe when I got there when Jan came over and told me one of mine had sold today, I was completely made up, especially when some other big names were still hanging around to be purchased.

Jan and Chris and a number of other people have worked really hard on the 6x4 exhibition for Art Space and they should be really pleased with the results, which is why they made todays blip. It was really exciting to see something I had created on the wall and felt great when walking in the room yesterday toddler ran straight over to them shouting "theres your men daddy" So thanks to everyone involved and especially Jan and Chris.

Speaking of which I still had that £20 so went for a wander. Three times this weekend I have been at this exhibition and each time I have seen something I had not seen on a previous visit.

Then I saw it, immediately it reminded me of something I had seen on the web about him. I consulted the wife and said I was sure, and had to take the gamble, which I did.

Was it a Wayne Hemingway, well I am not telling you thats for sure!

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