Chick Flick

By Flick

Mary and The Three Wise Men and The Innkeeper (pos

Henry is to be the Inn Keeper in his Nursery's Nativity Play. T o this end we have an awful lot of shoutyacting from H along the lines of 'There is NO room here but there is ROOM OVER THERE' and much arm brandishing.
With his new found role he is much interested in The Chistmas Ceramic Nativity Scene that we have here. Yesterday he insisted on seeing it ..luckily it is still packed away and I was able to fob him off with a smaller set my daughter Emily gave me for my Birthday. As soon as he laid hands on it he wanted to take it home.

Thinking quickly I said all right then . but tomorrow I will go to 'Rock Bottom' and get you a set all of your own...
Of course NOTHING at this bargain shop so I purchased a battered fairy and some
Moody Faces (price 59p) and hope and pray that he will be convinced that this is Mary/Archangel Gabriel and that the Moody Faces are the 3 kings, Baby Jesus , shepherds and the Inn Keeper.... will it work?

Already the Christmas Hell begins

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