Wasted day?

Well, I thought it was a wasted day at about lunchtime.
I had been called up for jury duty yesterday; but calling the number on Sunday night, as instructed, was told that there was no need to come in till today.
So... up to the court this morning, sat about while various lawyers and other folk went back and forth to and fro the bench....a couple of hours later, everyone was told that they were not needed.
So, wasted morning. I decided to do a bit of shopping on the way home, got a bargain two-for-one pair of hiking poles for the weekend. Went along to HMV and got the Twin Peaks DVD boxed set cheap, then walked back home along the Water of Leith from Dean Village.
Saw this wee fellow on the way...he's Certhia familiaris, the Treecreeper.
Neat and busy wee bird, who creeps up treetrunks (as you might expect from the name!) Sticking that needle-like beak into crevices, looking for insects.
When I got back, I got a call from Meles, saying that her train to MK was forced to terminate at Carlisle, so she'd be home for the evening :)))
So, not a wasted day at all, in the end....time for a glass of wine and the mystery of the murder of Laura Palmer....

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