Always wondering who i am

By tiffani13

Sarah Blasko

Ok, so firstly before i talk about the picture let me get one thing out of the way. I have decided to scrap blipping everyday. This decision has come after a lot of thought and was not easy. I am doing it as a) there is just not enough hours in the day anymore and b) some of my filler blips are sooo poor that i am just not happy doing it anymore. I will try to blip as often as possible however i will do it only when i have a quality picture or message to blip - its about quality from now on not quantity!!!!!

Tonight i went to see my friend Russell play a gig - he has been mentioned on previous blips - he fronts a band i know called The Rebs and he is ace. Russ was playing solo tonight as one of the acts warming up for Sarah Blasko. Sarah is an Australian artist who really took me by surprise tonight. I was not expecting anything great having never heard of her - what i got was something spectacular!!!!

Sarah's wonderful voice and atmospheric movement along with the dazzling lights and the amazing music played by the band left me a bit speechless and at points i found myself a little mesmerised by it!!! She's won me over and i am now a fan - i've just ordered all of her albums (shame i missed the post for tomorrow haha)!!! Check her out .. she is ace.

So until next time ... it may be tomorrow, it may not be x

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