Family Dog

By Family_Dog


I must have taken about 30 shots of Arlo today to try to get one without him going 'cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese' at the camera and screwing up his whole face and this is about as close as I could get.

It was quite funny though.

Bry is back to work now, so things are starting to settle back into a bit of normality (whatever that was / is) and so, as today was an Arlo & Mummy day we (I) decided we'd stay local and not take on too much. So a trip to the park, followed by a stop off at the co-op to get ingredients to bake Brownies was the plan for the day. Every time I looked out the window though, the skies got darker and people were walking around with hair blowing 3 metres in front of them and we (I) just couldn't face it. So, instead we stayed in and we (I) made tomato soup and we played at tea parties with Big Dog, Big Ted, Monkey and Buzz Likeyou (you know, the dude from Toy Story? What's that you say? His name is Buzz Lightyear? Hah - you try telling Arlo that).

It was a perfectly lovely tea party until Arlo started telling everybody we were naughty and that we weren't getting any more water. He then gave Buzz Likeyou a very important lesson on all of the people he could hit (nobody), the animals he could hit (none) and the things he could hit (maybe a balloon, and anything that he trips over) and that was the end of the tea party.


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