Passing by

I'm writing this several days after the event, so it's all a bit hazy.

I do know that I spent a good while working on refinements to the music group web site, and that I watched some TV (including University Challenge, on which one of the questions was this:

When writing the date in the form of two digits for the day, two digits for the month and four digits for the year, what is the first date in this millennium which will use eight digits without repeating any of them?

Apart from that I also remember that I did one of my DART-assisted walks (by which I mean that I walked to Killester DART station, got a train and walked around a bit at the other end). It was while waiting on the platform that I got this blip. Despite the info display indicating that it would be several minutes before a DART arrived, still everyone made a move when they heard the sound of an approaching train. It turned out to be a non-stopping commuter train, so I decided to try a long exposure as it passed by.

It was just as well that I got this in the can, because the next time I turned on the camera I was greeted with a low battery warning. Naturally, I didn't have a spare with me, so this was all that the camera caught today.

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