Me and Max

By grete

Please Raise Your Hand

I am a walker.

I walk everywhere. Every day. I walk in the summer. In the winter. Mornings. Evenings. In Oslo. In London. By the seaside. In the mountains. Across fields. In the woods. I walk alone. I walk with friends. And always with Max. I never leave the house without him (or is it a her? My new Nikon - is she - Maxine??)

Make your feet your friend, said J.M. Barrie.
If I could not walk far and fast, I think I should just explode and perish, said Charles Dickens.
Thoughts come clearly while one walks, said Thomas Mann.
Perhaps the truth depends on a walk around the lake, said Wallace Stevens.

I agree with all four of them.
I love walking. As simple as that.

Yesterday, a book by Julia Cameron, Walking In This World, bumped into my post box. I have absolutely no clue who sent it. I have always wanted to read it, but never got around to buying it. But I cannot remember having told anyone.

So - would the person who kindly sent me this gift please raise her/his hand?

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