Pieces of a Jigsaw Puzzle

By szahra

A Garden Collage

Last night we had a dinner at our place after which I realized that I have pain in my throat and my voice is changing. Oh No! I thought, I am coming down with a flu. So, I took Avil and went to bed. Did some reading before I drifted off to sleep. I had such a deep sleep and I slept for so long that I did not realize I had slept so much (very rare for me, but thanks to Avil). My mother woke me up at 11:00 AM.

Today has been a strange day and I am feeling quite down and blue. Maybe its the flu taking its toll on me. There is no fever thankfully.

Since then I am organizing and cleaning my room. Sorting out old pieces of paper and books. My room is flooding with books and papers and reading material. I am trying my best to get rid of as much material as possible. I know doing that will be hard.

A while ago, I realized that I have not taken any pictures, so went to the garden (before it got dark) and took a few pictures. I liked most of them, so I decided to make a collage.

Can anybody guess the names of the flowers and fruits (Its not that hard :))?

Thought of the day: "It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness." ~ Chinese Proverb

P.S. All four puppies are doing well. The mother has also started moving about.

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