Life with Gaia

By happyyoga

Old Beach Fence

An old Sufi tale: A man sat up all night with his sick friend. In the morning the friend was well, and the man was dead.

This is about how I felt after trying to take care of the little rats for only two and one-half weeks. One was younger than the other, so there was a constant getting up every 2 to 3 hours, and by the end of week two I was about to pass out each time I woke up in the night. Finally, I broke down and called Busch Wildlife Sactuary (no affiliation with Busch Beer) and surprisingly they offered to take them and tend to them. I assumed they were still busy with rehabbing the oil spill wildlife from the gulf, but apparently BP hired crews for that.

So, after the blur of this experience, I finally have some energy again. Yikes. I am pretty sure I am not doing that again, and I told Daniel that the reason he didn't get much attention during that time is because he brought home live creatures and to STOP IT! I hope he is listening. So far so good. Fingers crossed.

I would like to say I will never, ever, ever do that again...but one never knows and that never-ever stuff can sure tempt fate, so I am saying "hopefully that will never happen again, thank you."

And so, Melody wonders why she is sleepy? Hello? Raising young of any species wears us out. Yeah. Totally. (I mean, when was the last time you had a full night's sleep, Mel? Exactly) But, when it is our own child, it is well worth it. Croaking over the two little, not so much worth it. Though, they are individuals and I do care about them.

Michele and Ed took of for San Diego where he had a conference to attend, and I had three whole days of R&R and total silence. Ahhhhh.....silence can sometimes feel as good as a whole body massage. I had planned a thousand activities during that time, but doing absolutely nothing in particular was the best choice by far. And now, back to "normal" (hahahahahaha) and maybe some more time for blipland. I've sure missed it.

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