Lali's World

By Lali


This morning I woke up quite late, having had a good ten hour sleep, and the weather was lovely, so I went out for a walk with my camera.

Barcelona harbour was full of people. A very good Sunday morning atmosphere.

I sat down for a bit to get as much sun as I could get, keeping in mind I'm back in Scoltand tomorrow, and next to me I noticed this building with reflecting windows. I liked the fact that you could see the interior of the building at the same time as seeing the reflection of the world outside.

And on my way back, I noticed a man in the beach with nothing more than a t-shirt. Yes, he was showing his private bits to the world! Amazingly, not many people seemed to pay too much attention to him. I decided not to take a picture, hahahaha!

Packing tonight, unfortunately :(

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