surely you can see

By petergarver

I was inspired by photofiend's use of blip to satisfy secret urges today...inspired to take a trite, insipid picture of the bottom of a squash. :)

It was fun, and I'm not apologizing for it. So many people refer to certain things as "guilty pleasures" that really shouldn't be. Ice cream, sure, be guilty, I understand. Well, only if you eat the whole tub. But pop music? Stupid TV shows? No way - those are an appropriate part of life. So is this squash.

(That's not to say that this is the same as photofiend's picture, which is actually quite nice - just that I think they came from the same place)

Incidentally, photofiend's blog is one of two (aside from several of the very-established blip celebs to whom you also subscribe) that I await every day excitedly - the other being the superbly sublime Qu'est-ce que je fais?. Us amateur/enthusiasts are fine and all, but it's really nice and inspiring to be able to look right into the mind of really talented photographers like these every day.

Also, as I said in my December Manifesto yesterday, my goal this month is to spend time processing my images and considering my "look" (go no further than Qu'est-ce que je fais?'s beautiful moody b&ws if you'd like to see one unique and well executed). Anyway, in the spirit of that I processed a reject as well.

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