My Year in Pictures

By jenny


The picture on the left is the bottom of the Spinnaker Tower.

It's beside Gunwharf Quays as the centrepiece of the Millennium Project for the Renaissance of Portsmouth Harbour and is a massive 170 metres high.

And trying to take a picture of it on a moving ferry with a freezing cold wind was a bit of feat!

Then when I saw the moon near the fancy flats nearby, I raced to the other side of the ferry to try and get a shot before we moved further out of port!

Oh the things we do for blip!

Now currently in a very nice B&B in Ventnor on the Isle of Wight, ready for a whole day meeting with Sangeeta Mayne tomorrow morning. Lots of exciting Goal Mapping type things to be talked about!

And just hoping that this uploads okay as using a "dongle" for the first time!

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