The Glove of Stranger

I had an incident on Sunday. I was sitting in my local pub having my usual Sunday afternoon beer when the alarm on the remote for my electric scooter went off. Not an overly strange thing. People often brush past them and set them off.

I walked to the window and spotted a gentleman removing the batteries from my bike. Not knowing the gentleman in question, and not remembering having given permission for my batteries to be removed, I decided that he was in fact, a thief and forthwith should cease and desist said removal of said batteries.

Not even thinking about my personal well being, I flew out of the pub and ran to the vicinity of my bike. Upon seeing close up the (alleged) perp, I shouted in my best WFT are you doing voice which of course has been honed in the classroom. The poor fellow just about soiled his long johns. I am by no means large (167 cm and 70 kgs ringing wet) but something about me scared the living pazooses out of him. He backed away from my bike and grabbed his bike in an effort to affect a speedy retreat. The seat fell off his none too flash looking bike and landed near my feet so I picked it up. TO anyone watching it must have looked extremely amusing.. a spit of a foreigner waving a bike seat at a crazed looking big CHinese guy. Anyways. when he reached inside his bike and grabbed a screwdriver and looked like he wanted to use it on me, I threw his seat down and he grabbed it and took off.

UPon returning to my bike to check for damage and reconnect the batteries, I found the glove.. Another 'funny' story from China.

A few sidelines...

To get to the batteries, he took out and discarded a raincoat I had brought from Australia which was worth 10 times as much as the batteries.

Inside the bike, where he was getting the batteries, is a kill switch that had he flicked it, would have disconnected the entire electric system including the alarm.

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