The Rambling Path

By MuddyFox

Aberystwyth home

Home is where the heartbreak
wraps cold around my bones
forgive me if I promise
to forget what I have known
ignores and never mentions
I just came waltzing in
with stories tied together
with broken bits of string

Time moves so sure
runs rings around he treees
its silence mocking
in the wind against the leaves
for all your loss and gain
the soul defines its suffering
an illusion is hope born from fear
and now you're right back here
safe in my arms my dear

all is as I left it
never more so what it seems
my bed is as I made it
just not what went between
and I still feel alive
in what is no longer there
the shadows slide behind
drawing clouds across the air

time moves so sure
turns rings around the trees
its silence whispers
in the wind against the leaves
for all your loss and gain
the soul defies its suffering
an illusion is hope born from fear
but now I'm right back here
safe in your arms my dear

(Beth Orton)


Stayed out the house all day, had things to do, though don't want to seem like I'm avoiding people. You might be able to guess from the lack of blips and song choice that all isn't going swimmingly at the moment for me in Aber.

Ah well, guess you have to deal with what life throws at you, no matter how unfair it might seem. I always try and learn from whatever happens, I can admit that some of it may be my fault.

Lovely evening at any rate. Had apple pies and mulled wine, the former heated on the fire, the latter in a pan. Really nice to chat and relax on the beach with a fire made of driftwood, talking to octopush and diving friends. Myles and I stayed on talking until the sea had almost come up to engulf the flames. It was good to just lie and talk, wrapped up warm, contemplating life with the soundtrack of the sea and occasional crackling of the fire. By the time we eventually got up there was frost everywhere and we were freeeezing!!

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