The (not so) quiet life

By Abikaty

Let It Snow

After dropping Abi at nursery (10 minutes late after having to clear the car) Katy and I headed out for a walk. Mainly because Katy is still not well and I hoped she might sleep in the buggy. We headed off on a walk we'd done a few times and within 10 minutes she was zonked. I thought I would make the most of the quiet and add an extra loop onto the route. Only problem was I wasn't 100% sure of the way and I'm not exactly known for my fabulous sense of direction (I got lost for five hours in a country park, after over 15 miles of walking I was on the verge of callling mountain rescue when I spotted the visitors centre). I took the wrong road and ended up struggling up a near vertical hill only to reach the top and realise the only place it led was a farm. I then had to turn round and slide all the way back down the hill. The confused looks I was getting from the tractor driver who went past me three times should have been a clue I was heading the wrong way but I was too busy gasping for breath to really pay too much attention. Still it was good exercise and quite a pretty view.

We headed out again this afternoon so Abi could play in the snow. Her attempts to make a snow seal (!???) were not particularly successful as there was only about an inch of the stuff but she still had fun. Fingers crossed we don't get too much more though or I'll have to start panic buying tinned goods.

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