
By spitzimixi

found a nest

*whispers* this is a marmite nest. I found it by chance in my kitchen cupboard. Young marmites are very shy and don't like being stared at, this is why I used live view and the tilty screen of my camera to catch them quickly without a flash before quietly closing the door and tiptoeing away.
Marmites are fascinating creatures that live in a symbiotic relationship with peanut butter (crunchy), oatcakes and custard powder. If one of these things is missing then the whole ecosytem breaks down and the marmites do not thrive. It's very sad when that happens and so I have started to reinforce the system by making sure that there is always an adequate supply of the rest. Since I added golden syrup to the mixture, the peanut butters have grown by 50%! I'm not sure what that will do to the rest of the ecosystem though. I'm thinking of starting a research project to find out and am looking for sources of funding.....

p.s. apologies to those of you who think that marmite is almost as bad as what the dog ate yesterday but I like it and I always get excited when my foreign-lands-survival-kit arrives and my cupboard is restocked.
p.p.s the new peanut butters have 50% extra free ;-)

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