C'est une belle vie


Puppy dog eyes.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Today was wonderful. It started with the Turkey Trot in downtown Dallas. I saw old friends and met several new ones. I especially loved time with my pal Amy Bradshaw. We worked together at the State Department and now she's in New York City.

Unexpectedly, I had two Thanksgiving dinners. What fun! Caught Elisabeth's dog Molly peeping through the back door window in this photo. She threw me the ultimate "What about me?" puppy dog eyes. I love this photo of her. She's so close to the door that her breath fogs up the glass.

Learned how to play Mexican Train with dominoes at Deb's house. It's competitive and fun. Trust me!

Tomorrow night is another Thanksgiving dinner with CC's family. I'm looking forward to an amazing dessert creation and need more yoga to compensate for all these Thanksgiving dinners.

I'm blessed. Thank you, friends, for taking me in over the holidays. I'm grateful.

Tomorrow is outline, outline, outline for civil procedure.

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