A Blip on the Reidar

By reidar

I do not believe it...

Today I decided not to work. Being self-employed that can be a pretty big thing to do and I reckon its been about two and half years since I said to a client 'I'm sorry but I just can't come in today'. Its annoying because they have booked you and need somebody in and you have let them down. I reckon I'm off for the rest of the week. I can function okay and you know what its like by the middle of the day and you get a second wind but as I usually do I'm tearing along trying to ignore the fact I should be resting.

Ha, resting! I probably should have gone into work to have a rest! Most of the family bar Jnr2 has a cold also, so its been an eventful day for a day of rest.

I've had three woman (not Mrs Reidar I might add) jokingly tell me with wry smiles that I have the 'manflu'. What the feck is that all about? Another one of those 'Ah what are men moaning about, they wouldn't know if they where ill if it hit them in the face the moaning gits'. So 'manflu' is actually just a little sniffle that a woman shrugs off and continues her busy day of multi-tasking and thinks nothing of it, its nothing, it doesn't even register with the female side of the race. Obviously I just shrug off the comment and smile and nod to the offenders of the remark but the next time they are poorly I'll act as if they are not and expect them to function as normal.

Today I was told that my poorly G5 Apple Mac has indeed died for sure. Having held on for nearly three weeks against the 'macflu' its Motherboard has finally packed in and that is that. So I'll be without a good work Mac for a while then. Christmas is coming, then its the Tax Man and maybe after that its a computer. So February maybe?

I'm not overly 'H.A.P.P.Y' but I don't have 'One Foot In The Grave', it hurts 'Only When I laugh', etc. etc.

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